Titel |
Typ |
Författare |
År |
Inspection of ventilation systems |
Vetenskaplig artikel |
2021 |
Electrostatic Precipitators as an Indoor Air Cleaner |
Vetenskaplig artikel |
et al. |
2020 |
Modelling of rooms with active chilled beams |
Vetenskaplig artikel |
2020 |
High Temperature District Cooling: Challenges and Possibilities Based on an Existing District Cooling System and its Connected Buildings |
Vetenskaplig artikel |
2020 |
Performance evaluation of a direct ground-coupled self-regulating active chilled beam system |
Vetenskaplig artikel |
2020 |
Building status obtained before renovating multifamily buildings in Sweden |
Vetenskaplig artikel |
2019 |
A thermal model of an active chilled beam |
Vetenskaplig artikel |
2017 |
Induction ratio of active chilled beams |
Vetenskaplig artikel |
2016 |
Indoor air quality in passive and conventional new houses in Sweden |
Vetenskaplig artikel |
2015 |
Ionizer Assisted Air Filtration for Collection of Submicronand Ultrafine Particles |
Vetenskaplig artikel |
2015 |
Intermediate air filters for general ventilation applications: An experimental evaluation of various filtration efficiency expressions. |
Vetenskaplig artikel |
2013 |
Thermal performance of gas-filled flat plate solar collectors |
Vetenskaplig artikel |
2009 |
Swedish solar heated residential area with seasonal storage in rockh |
Vetenskaplig artikel |
2008 |
Ultrafine particles produced by ozone/limonene reactions in indoor air under low/closed ventilation conditions |
Vetenskaplig artikel |
2008 |