- a EU Horizon2020 project

The Horizon2020 funded project QualDeEPC aims to enhance the quality and cross-EU convergence of Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) schemes and improve the consistency of different systems. Participating countries are Germany, Greece, Bulgaria, Hungary, Belgium, Spain, Latvia, and Sweden


  • Enhance/assure the quality and cross-EU convergence of Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) schemes
  • Link EPCs and deep renovation with the aim to make these recommendations leading to clearer action proposals and packages of action proposals for renovation

The project ended in February. More information and all results can be found on the project website or in the QualDeEPC factsheet.

Renovation Platform

Within the project every participating country have develop at national pla5tgform with information on renovation, deep renovation, and EPC.

The Swedish platform is Energirenovera.se,

Examples of past Activities:

Publicised reports:


Åsa Wahlström
Åsa Wahlström +46 76-769 93 66 asa.wahlstrom@chalmersindustriteknik.se
Maria Haegermark
Maria Haegermark +46 73-366 22 99 maria.haegermark@chalmersindustriteknik.se

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