Now the Development Strategy Plan for the development of next generation EPC schemes report is here.
QualDeEPC is currently finalising the project work package on the analysis of current practice and priorities for next-generation EPC’s . The main objective of the work package is to lay an evidence-based foundation for the development of the enhanced EPC schemes and thereby indirectly for the testing, dialogue, implementation, and dissemination activities of the project.
Under the lead of the Wuppertal Institut and the Energy Agency of Plovdiv, EAP, three public outputs of WP2 have been published thus far: the report on local EPC situation and cross-country comparison matrix, the report on EPC best practices and the report on EPC short-comings and national priority approaches to their resolution.
Now, the team is working on the final task of this work package, the definition of development targets and actions to be performed in the following work packages. The output of this task is the Development Strategy Plan, that sets the priorities for which elements QualDeEPC will develop further and towards which outcome, serving which purpose.
The Development Strategy Plan will be the guidance for the development phase and for drafting enhanced EPC scheme as well as the tools needed, and specifically the Deep Renovation Network Platforms.
Read the Development Strategy Plan report here
Read the press release here