Indoor Climate Technology for Health and Comfort in Energy Efficient Building

The field of indoor climate technology comprises the entire chain of issues that must be addressed to create indoor environments of the right quality. The endeavor begins with the challenge of determining and documenting the expectations of the building users regarding the thermal conditions and the indoor air cleanness, on one hand, and the ambitions regarding efficient use of the energy needed to operate the building, on the other. These expectations need to be transformed to clear specifications of requirements forming the basis for the process of design, construction, and operation of healthy, comfortable and energy efficient buildings. The requirements, and thus, the technical design and the complexity related to operation of the building may vary widely depending on the activities the building is intended for and depending on the desired level of quality.
This special issue is dedicated to the important links between the quality of the indoor climate and the use of energy for building operation. The ambition is to find a well-balanced mix of articles covering the processes of design, commissioning and operation of buildings and building services systems – all carried out with the aim of meeting specified requirements.
Lars Ekberg, Guest Editor
Lars E. Ekberg
+46 70-315 11 55